Pegasus Ready for Action in 2023!
Crew update
A record breaking month to end an exceptional year for the Pegasus crew. 6321 line km in the first 18 days of December, production records dropping like flies, 552 and 558 flight minutes Back 2 Back in 44 degree heat no less, And a long list of satisfied clients to boot. Join them in 2023 […]
Closing out 2022 with a BANG!
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Crew update
If you want the Rainbow you have to put up with the rain! The clouds have parted and Pegasus crew 02 is active in north west Victoria. If you’d like to utilise our services while they’re on the east coast get in contact with us today!
The Solution
Pegasus Airborne Systems is growing fast! We now have additional systems and crews ready to service your next drone magnetic survey. If you have an upcoming magnetic survey or expenditure deadline, why not use Pegasus to get more bang for your buck? Ground magnetics quality at airborne magnetics scale, but ten times as fast without […]